Weekly maintenance on Web Application
We have made performance enhancements to the web application as part of our weekly maintenance to ensure optimal performance.
Bug fixes on all modules
We have fixed some bugs on all modules to improve the better experience on web app.
Fixed UI layout on all web app
We have fixed UI layout on all web application to improve better experience.
New layout changes on Employee Personal Data information.
We have changed new layout change on Employee Personal Data information.
New feature: assign a manager under a specific department
Now, you are able to assign a Manager under each specific Department in the web app.
Improving the module on web application
A change and improvement of the module on web application to enhance the performance.
Maintenance and improving on the module
We are undergoing maintenance to improve the better experience and improving on the module in the system.
Bug fixing on the web
We have fixed some bugs in our system and enhanced the performance of the web app.
Maintenance of the web
We are undergoing maintenance in our system to improve the better experience.
Web application first goes live
Now, you can access it and enjoy our easy feature in our web application